Package: broom

Simon Couch

broom: Convert Statistical Objects into Tidy Tibbles

Summarizes key information about statistical objects in tidy tibbles. This makes it easy to report results, create plots and consistently work with large numbers of models at once. Broom provides three verbs that each provide different types of information about a model. tidy() summarizes information about model components such as coefficients of a regression. glance() reports information about an entire model, such as goodness of fit measures like AIC and BIC. augment() adds information about individual observations to a dataset, such as fitted values or influence measures.

Authors:David Robinson [aut], Alex Hayes [aut], Simon Couch [aut, cre], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd], Indrajeet Patil [ctb], Derek Chiu [ctb], Matthieu Gomez [ctb], Boris Demeshev [ctb], Dieter Menne [ctb], Benjamin Nutter [ctb], Luke Johnston [ctb], Ben Bolker [ctb], Francois Briatte [ctb], Jeffrey Arnold [ctb], Jonah Gabry [ctb], Luciano Selzer [ctb], Gavin Simpson [ctb], Jens Preussner [ctb], Jay Hesselberth [ctb], Hadley Wickham [ctb], Matthew Lincoln [ctb], Alessandro Gasparini [ctb], Lukasz Komsta [ctb], Frederick Novometsky [ctb], Wilson Freitas [ctb], Michelle Evans [ctb], Jason Cory Brunson [ctb], Simon Jackson [ctb], Ben Whalley [ctb], Karissa Whiting [ctb], Yves Rosseel [ctb], Michael Kuehn [ctb], Jorge Cimentada [ctb], Erle Holgersen [ctb], Karl Dunkle Werner [ctb], Ethan Christensen [ctb], Steven Pav [ctb], Paul PJ [ctb], Ben Schneider [ctb], Patrick Kennedy [ctb], Lily Medina [ctb], Brian Fannin [ctb], Jason Muhlenkamp [ctb], Matt Lehman [ctb], Bill Denney [ctb], Nic Crane [ctb], Andrew Bates [ctb], Vincent Arel-Bundock [ctb], Hideaki Hayashi [ctb], Luis Tobalina [ctb], Annie Wang [ctb], Wei Yang Tham [ctb], Clara Wang [ctb], Abby Smith [ctb], Jasper Cooper [ctb], E Auden Krauska [ctb], Alex Wang [ctb], Malcolm Barrett [ctb], Charles Gray [ctb], Jared Wilber [ctb], Vilmantas Gegzna [ctb], Eduard Szoecs [ctb], Frederik Aust [ctb], Angus Moore [ctb], Nick Williams [ctb], Marius Barth [ctb], Bruna Wundervald [ctb], Joyce Cahoon [ctb], Grant McDermott [ctb], Kevin Zarca [ctb], Shiro Kuriwaki [ctb], Lukas Wallrich [ctb], James Martherus [ctb], Chuliang Xiao [ctb], Joseph Larmarange [ctb], Max Kuhn [ctb], Michal Bojanowski [ctb], Hakon Malmedal [ctb], Clara Wang [ctb], Sergio Oller [ctb], Luke Sonnet [ctb], Jim Hester [ctb], Ben Schneider [ctb], Bernie Gray [ctb], Mara Averick [ctb], Aaron Jacobs [ctb], Andreas Bender [ctb], Sven Templer [ctb], Paul-Christian Buerkner [ctb], Matthew Kay [ctb], Erwan Le Pennec [ctb], Johan Junkka [ctb], Hao Zhu [ctb], Benjamin Soltoff [ctb], Zoe Wilkinson Saldana [ctb], Tyler Littlefield [ctb], Charles T. Gray [ctb], Shabbh E. Banks [ctb], Serina Robinson [ctb], Roger Bivand [ctb], Riinu Ots [ctb], Nicholas Williams [ctb], Nina Jakobsen [ctb], Michael Weylandt [ctb], Lisa Lendway [ctb], Karl Hailperin [ctb], Josue Rodriguez [ctb], Jenny Bryan [ctb], Chris Jarvis [ctb], Greg Macfarlane [ctb], Brian Mannakee [ctb], Drew Tyre [ctb], Shreyas Singh [ctb], Laurens Geffert [ctb], Hong Ooi [ctb], Henrik Bengtsson [ctb], Eduard Szocs [ctb], David Hugh-Jones [ctb], Matthieu Stigler [ctb], Hugo Tavares [ctb], R. Willem Vervoort [ctb], Brenton M. Wiernik [ctb], Josh Yamamoto [ctb], Jasme Lee [ctb], Taren Sanders [ctb], Ilaria Prosdocimi [ctb], Daniel D. Sjoberg [ctb], Alex Reinhart [ctb]

broom.pdf |broom.html
broom/json (API)

# Install 'broom' in R:
install.packages('broom', repos = c('', ''))

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Doc / VignettesOKOct 21 2024
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Available methods

Rendered fromavailable-methods.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 21 2024.

Last update: 2023-03-07
Started: 2018-06-05

broom and dplyr

Rendered frombroom_and_dplyr.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 21 2024.

Last update: 2023-03-07
Started: 2014-09-11

Introduction to broom

Rendered frombroom.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 21 2024.

Last update: 2023-03-07
Started: 2014-07-11

kmeans with dplyr and broom

Rendered fromkmeans.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 21 2024.

Last update: 2020-05-21
Started: 2014-09-16

Tidy bootstrapping

Rendered frombootstrapping.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 21 2024.

Last update: 2020-05-21
Started: 2014-09-11

Writing new tidier methods

Rendered fromadding-tidiers.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Oct 21 2024.

Last update: 2022-06-29
Started: 2018-06-05

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add fitted values, residuals, and other common outputs to an augment callaugment_columns
Augment data with information from a(n) betamfx objectaugment.betamfx
Augment data with information from a(n) betareg objectaugment.betareg
Augment data with information from a(n) clm objectaugment.clm
Augment data with information from a(n) coxph objectaugment.coxph
Augment data with information from a(n) decomposed.ts objectaugment.decomposed.ts decompose_tidiers
Augment data with information from a(n) drc objectaugment.drc
Augment data with information from a(n) factanal objectaugment.factanal
Augment data with information from a(n) felm objectaugment.felm
Augment data with information from a(n) fixest objectaugment.fixest
Augment data with information from a(n) gam objectaugment.gam
Augment data with information from a(n) glm objectaugment.glm
Augment data with information from a(n) glmrob objectaugment.glmrob
Augment data with information from a(n) glmRob objectaugment.glmRob
Augment data with information from a(n) htest objectaugment.htest
Augment data with information from a(n) ivreg objectaugment.ivreg
Augment data with information from a(n) kmeans objectaugment.kmeans
Augment data with information from a(n) lm objectaugment.lm
Augment data with information from a(n) lmrob objectaugment.lmrob
Augment data with information from a(n) lmRob objectaugment.lmRob
Tidy a(n) loess objectaugment.loess loess_tidiers
Augment data with information from a(n) Mclust objectaugment.Mclust
Augment data with information from a(n) mfx objectaugment.logitmfx augment.mfx augment.negbinmfx augment.poissonmfx augment.probitmfx
Augment data with information from a(n) mjoint objectaugment.mjoint
Augment data with information from a(n) mlogit objectaugment.mlogit
Tidy a(n) nlrq objectaugment.nlrq
Augment data with information from a(n) nls objectaugment.nls
Augment data with information from a(n) pam objectaugment.pam
Augment data with information from a(n) plm objectaugment.plm
Augment data with information from a(n) poLCA objectaugment.poLCA
Augment data with information from a(n) polr objectaugment.polr
Augment data with information from a(n) prcomp objectaugment.prcomp
Augment data with information from a(n) rlm objectaugment.rlm
Augment data with information from a(n) rma objectaugment.rma
Augment data with information from a(n) rq objectaugment.rq
Augment data with information from a(n) rqs objectaugment.rqs
Augment data with information from a(n) spatialreg objectaugment.sarlm
Tidy a(n) smooth.spline objectaugment.smooth.spline smooth.spline_tidiers
Augment data with information from a(n) speedlm objectaugment.speedlm
Augment data with information from a(n) stl objectaugment.stl
Augment data with information from a(n) survreg objectaugment.survreg
Set up bootstrap replicates of a dplyr operationbootstrap
(Deprecated) Calculate confidence interval as a tidy data frameconfint_tidy
Tidiers for data.frame data.frame_tidiers
Tidy/glance a(n) durbinWatsonTest objectdurbinWatsonTest_tidiers glance.durbinWatsonTest tidy.durbinWatsonTest
(Deprecated) Add logLik, AIC, BIC, and other common measurements to a glance of a predictionfinish_glance
Ensure an object is a data frame, with rownames moved into a columnfix_data_frame
Tidy a(n) optim object masquerading as listglance.optim glance_optim
Glance at a(n) aareg objectglance.aareg
Glance at a(n) anova objectglance.anova
Glance at a(n) lm objectglance.aov
Glance at a(n) Arima objectglance.Arima
Glance at a(n) betamfx objectglance.betamfx
Glance at a(n) betareg objectglance.betareg
Glance at a(n) biglm objectglance.biglm
Glance at a(n) binDesign objectglance.binDesign
Glance at a(n) cch objectglance.cch
Glance at a(n) clm objectglance.clm
Glance at a(n) clmm objectglance.clmm
Glance at a(n) coeftest objectglance.coeftest
Glance at a(n) coxph objectglance.coxph
Glance at a(n) crr objectglance.crr
Glance at a(n) cv.glmnet
Glance at a(n) drc objectglance.drc
Glance at a(n) ergm objectglance.ergm
Glance at a(n) factanal objectglance.factanal
Glance at a(n) felm objectglance.felm
Glance at a(n) fitdistr objectglance.fitdistr
Glance at a(n) fixest objectglance.fixest
Glance at a(n) gam objectglance.gam
Glance at a(n) Gam objectglance.Gam
Tidy a(n) garch objectglance.garch
Glance at a(n) geeglm objectglance.geeglm
Glance at a(n) glm objectglance.glm
Glance at a(n) glmnet objectglance.glmnet
Glance at a(n) glmRob objectglance.glmRob
Glance at a(n) gmm objectglance.gmm
Glance at a(n) ivreg objectglance.ivreg
Glance at a(n) kmeans objectglance.kmeans
Glance at a(n) lavaan objectglance.lavaan
Glance at a(n) lm objectglance.lm
Glance at a(n) lmodel2 objectglance.lmodel2
Glance at a(n) lmrob objectglance.lmrob
Glance at a(n) lmRob objectglance.lmRob
Glance at a(n) margins objectglance.margins
Glance at a(n) Mclust objectglance.Mclust
Glance at a(n) mfx objectglance.logitmfx glance.mfx glance.negbinmfx glance.poissonmfx glance.probitmfx
Glance at a(n) mjoint objectglance.mjoint
Glance at a(n) mlogit objectglance.mlogit
Glance at a(n) muhaz objectglance.muhaz
Glance at a(n) multinom objectglance.multinom
Glance at a(n) negbin objectglance.negbin glm.nb_tidiers
Glance at a(n) nlrq objectglance.nlrq
Glance at a(n) nls objectglance.nls
Glance at a(n) orcutt objectglance.orcutt
Glance at a(n) pam objectglance.pam
Glance at a(n) plm objectglance.plm
Glance at a(n) poLCA objectglance.poLCA
Glance at a(n) polr objectglance.polr
Glance at a(n) pyears objectglance.pyears
Glance at a(n) ridgelm objectglance.ridgelm
Glance at a(n) rlm objectglance.rlm rlm_tidiers
Glance at a(n) rma objectglance.rma
Glance at a(n) rq objectglance.rq
Glance at a(n) spatialreg objectglance.sarlm
Tidy a(n) smooth.spine objectglance.smooth.spline
Glance at a(n) speedglm objectglance.speedglm
Glance at a(n) speedlm objectglance.speedlm
Glance at a(n) summary.lm objectglance.summary.lm
Glance at a(n) survdiff objectglance.survdiff
Glance at a(n) survexp objectglance.survexp
Glance at a(n) survfit objectglance.survfit
Glance at a(n) survreg objectglance.survreg
Glance at a(n) svyglm objectglance.svyglm
Glance at a(n) svyolr objectglance.svyolr
Glance at a(n) varest objectglance.varest
Tidy/glance a(n) leveneTest objectleveneTest_tidiers tidy.leveneTest
Tidying methods for lists / returned values that are not S3 objectsglance.list list_tidiers tidy.list
Tidiers for NULL inputsaugment.NULL glance.NULL null_tidiers tidy.NULL
Tidy a(n) SpatialPolygonsDataFrame objectsp_tidiers tidy.Line tidy.Lines tidy.Polygon tidy.Polygons tidy.SpatialLinesDataFrame tidy.SpatialPolygons tidy.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
(Deprecated) Tidy summaryDefault objectsglance.summaryDefault summary_tidiers tidy.summaryDefault
Tidy a(n) irlba object masquerading as listirlba_tidiers tidy.irlba tidy_irlba
Tidy a(n) optim object masquerading as listoptim_tidiers tidy.optim tidy_optim
Tidy a(n) svd object masquerading as listsvd_tidiers tidy_svd
Tidy a(n) xyz object masquerading as listtidy_xyz xyz_tidiers
Tidy a(n) aareg objectaareg_tidiers tidy.aareg
Tidy a(n) acf objecttidy.acf
Tidy a(n) anova objecttidy.anova
Tidy a(n) aov objecttidy.aov
Tidy a(n) aovlist objecttidy.aovlist
Tidy a(n) Arima objectArima_tidiers tidy.Arima
Tidy a(n) betamfx objecttidy.betamfx
Tidy a(n) betareg objectbetareg_tidiers tidy.betareg
Tidy a(n) biglm objecttidy.biglm
Tidy a(n) binDesign objectbindesign_tidiers tidy.binDesign
Tidy a(n) binWidth objectbinwidth_tidiers tidy.binWidth
Tidy a(n) boot objectboot_tidiers tidy.boot
Tidy a(n) btergm objectbtergm_tidiers tidy.btergm
Tidy a(n) cch objectcch_tidiers tidy.cch
Tidy a(n) cld objecttidy.cld
Tidy a(n) clm objectordinal_tidiers tidy.clm
Tidy a(n) clmm objecttidy.clmm
Tidy a(n) coeftest objectcoeftest_tidiers lmtest_tidiers tidy.coeftest
Tidy a(n) confint.glht objecttidy.confint.glht
Tidy a(n) confusionMatrix objectcaret_tidiers confusionMatrix_tidiers tidy.confusionMatrix
Tidy a(n) coxph objectcoxph_tidiers tidy.coxph
Tidy a(n) cmprsk objectcmprsk_tidiers tidy.crr
Tidy a(n) cv.glmnet
(Deprecated) Tidy density objectstidy.density
(Deprecated) Tidy dist objectstidy.dist
Tidy a(n) drc objectdrc_tidiers tidy.drc
Tidy a(n) emmGrid objecttidy.emmGrid
Tidy a(n) epi.2by2 objectepiR_tidiers tidy.epi.2by2
Tidy a(n) ergm objectergm_tidiers tidy.ergm
Tidy a(n) factanal objectfactanal_tidiers tidy.factanal
Tidy a(n) felm objectfelm_tidiers lfe_tidiers tidy.felm
Tidy a(n) fitdistr objectfitdistr_tidiers tidy.fitdistr
Tidy a(n) fixest objecttidy.fixest
(Deprecated) Tidy ftable objectstidy.ftable
Tidy a(n) gam objectgam_tidiers mgcv_tidiers tidy.gam
Tidy a(n) Gam objectGam_tidiers tidy.Gam
Tidy a(n) garch objectgarch_tidiers tidy.garch
Tidy a(n) geeglm objectgeeglm_tidiers geepack_tidiers tidy.geeglm
Tidy a(n) glht objectmultcomp_tidiers tidy.glht
Tidy a(n) glm objecttidy.glm
Tidy a(n) glmnet objectglmnet_tidiers tidy.glmnet
Tidy a(n) glmrob objecttidy.glmrob
Tidy a(n) glmRob objecttidy.glmRob
Tidy a(n) gmm objectgmm_tidiers tidy.gmm
Tidy/glance a(n) htest objectglance.htest htest_tidiers tidy.htest
Tidy a(n) ivreg objectaer_tidiers ivreg_tidiers tidy.ivreg
Tidy a(n) kappa objectkappa_tidiers psych_tidiers tidy.kappa
Tidy a(n) kde objectkde_tidiers ks_tidiers tidy.kde
Tidy a(n) Kendall objectKendall_tidiers kendall_tidiers tidy.Kendall
Tidy a(n) kmeans objectkmeans_tidiers tidy.kmeans
Tidy a(n) lavaan objectcfa_tidiers lavaan_tidiers sem_tidiers tidy.lavaan
Tidy a(n) lm objectlm_tidiers tidy.lm
Tidy a(n) lm.beta objecttidy.lm.beta
Tidy a(n) lmodel2 objectlmodel2_tidiers tidy.lmodel2
Tidy a(n) lmrob objectrobustbase_tidiers tidy.lmrob
Tidy a(n) lmRob objectrobust_tidiers tidy.lmRob
Tidy a(n) lsmobj objectemmeans_tidiers tidy.lsmobj
Tidy a(n) manova objecttidy.manova
Tidy a(n) map objectmaps_tidiers
Tidy a(n) margins objectmargins_tidiers tidy.margins
Tidy a(n) Mclust objectmclust_tidiers tidy.Mclust
Tidy a(n) mediate objectmediate_tidiers tidy.mediate
Tidy a(n) mfx objecttidy.logitmfx tidy.mfx tidy.negbinmfx tidy.poissonmfx tidy.probitmfx
Tidy a(n) mjoint objectjoinerml_tidiers mjoint_tidiers tidy.mjoint
Tidy a(n) mle2 objectbbmle_tidiers mle2_tidiers tidy.mle2
Tidy a(n) mlm objecttidy.mlm
Tidying methods for logit modelsmlogit_tidiers tidy.mlogit
Tidy a(n) muhaz objectmuhaz_tidiers tidy.muhaz
Tidying methods for multinomial logistic regression modelsmultinom_tidiers nnet_tidiers tidy.multinom
Tidy a(n) negbin objecttidy.negbin
Tidy a(n) nlrq objectnlrq_tidiers tidy.nlrq
Tidy a(n) nls objectnls_tidiers tidy.nls
Tidy atomic vectorstidy.character tidy.logical tidy.numeric
Tidy a(n) orcutt objectorcutt_tidiers tidy.orcutt
Tidy a(n) pairwise.htest objecttidy.pairwise.htest
Tidy a(n) pam objectpam_tidiers tidy.pam
Tidy a(n) plm objectplm_tidiers tidy.plm
Tidy a(n) poLCA objectpoLCA_tidiers tidy.poLCA
Tidy a(n) polr objectpolr_tidiers tidy.polr
Tidy a(n) power.htest objecttidy.power.htest
Tidy a(n) prcomp objectprcomp_tidiers tidy.prcomp
Tidy a(n) pyears objectpyears_tidiers tidy.pyears
Tidy a(n) rcorr objectHmisc_tidiers rcorr_tidiers tidy.rcorr
Tidy a(n) ref.grid objecttidy.ref.grid
Tidy a(n) regsubsets objectleaps_tidiers tidy.regsubsets
Tidy a(n) ridgelm objectridgelm_tidiers tidy.ridgelm
Tidy a(n) rlm objecttidy.rlm
Tidy a(n) rma objecttidy.rma
Tidy a(n) roc objectauc_tidiers roc_tidiers tidy.roc
Tidy a(n) rq objectquantreg_tidiers rq_tidiers tidy.rq
Tidy a(n) rqs objectrqs_tidiers tidy.rqs
Tidying methods for spatially autoregressive modelsspatialreg_tidiers tidy.sarlm
Tidy a(n) spec objecttidy.spec
Tidy a(n) speedglm objectspeedglm_tidiers tidy.speedglm
Tidy a(n) speedlm objectspeedlm_tidiers tidy.speedlm
Tidy a(n) summary_emm objecttidy.summary_emm
Tidy a(n) summary.glht objecttidy.summary.glht
Tidy a(n) summary.lm objecttidy.summary.lm
Tidy a(n) survdiff objectsurvdiff_tidiers tidy.survdiff
Tidy a(n) survexp objectsexpfit_tidiers survexp_tidiers tidy.survexp
Tidy a(n) survfit objectsurvfit_tidiers tidy.survfit
Tidy a(n) survreg objectsurvreg_tidiers tidy.survreg
Tidy a(n) svyglm objecttidy.svyglm
Tidy a(n) svyolr objectsvyolr_tidiers tidy.svyolr
Tidy a(n) systemfit objectsystemfit_tidiers tidy.systemfit
Tidy a(n) table objecttidy.table
Tidy a(n) ts objecttidy.ts
Tidy a(n) TukeyHSD objecttidy.TukeyHSD
Tidy a(n) varest objecttidy.varest vars_tidiers
Tidy a(n) zoo objecttidy.zoo zoo_tidiers